This Week On The Farm...

This Week On The Farm....
And one day. . . .I want to hear about how we not only survived but we came back with a vengeance. I want to hear about how our tourist...
This Week On The Farm....
And one day. . . .I want to hear about how we not only survived but we came back with a vengeance. I want to hear about how our tourist...

This Week On The Farm . . .
I finally have the time to make bread and the garden is producing for me to be able to fill that basket. I put several things in the basket that...
This Week On The Farm . . .
I finally have the time to make bread and the garden is producing for me to be able to fill that basket. I put several things in the basket that...

This Week On The Farm . . .
The goal for the honeybees is to ultimately use only my honey for the products I make and then of course for ourselves. If we have left over honey, then...
This Week On The Farm . . .
The goal for the honeybees is to ultimately use only my honey for the products I make and then of course for ourselves. If we have left over honey, then...

This Week On The Farm . . .
I love the warmer weather. I'm a warm weather kind of person. I do not like the cold. I have been a little slower with getting the garden and everything...
This Week On The Farm . . .
I love the warmer weather. I'm a warm weather kind of person. I do not like the cold. I have been a little slower with getting the garden and everything...

This Week On The Farm . . . .
I want to eventually have certified honey as well. That will be probably another year from now, but it will be fun. I want to sell honey so badly!
This Week On The Farm . . . .
I want to eventually have certified honey as well. That will be probably another year from now, but it will be fun. I want to sell honey so badly!

This Week On The Farm . . .
Depending on where you live it may be the beginning of deer season for you. Talk about eating naturally; venison is a great way to have meat that is "raised"...
This Week On The Farm . . .
Depending on where you live it may be the beginning of deer season for you. Talk about eating naturally; venison is a great way to have meat that is "raised"...