The biggest announcement for the week is that Farm Baskets are back!!!
I finally have the time to make bread and the garden is producing for me to be able to fill that basket. I put several things in the basket that I feel aren't typical for a farm basket so let me explain my thoughts on why.
First of all, I do a loaf of sourdough bread. The bread that I make has fermented for 3 days then it rises and then it rises again. I put a lot of time and effort into this bread not to mention the ingredients. I use organic flour, local honey, the best olive oil I can find, mineral salt and filtered water. So, this is not your typical bread. It's better for your gut health and if you're typically not able to eat bread you very likely can eat this bread.
Secondly, I include one quart of bone broth. It's either chicken or beef. Bone broth is also a staple at our house. I never use regular broth in any recipe. Bone broth is giving you more protein but also gives you even more gut healing properties rather than a store-bought chicken broth. I cook it for at least 24 hours sometimes longer. I use my herbs in the broth as well.
Thirdly, I include some type of canned food. It might be a jelly. It might be sauerkraut. It just depends on the season and what's available. Again, if the recipe calls for sugar, I buy organic. If it calls for salt, I use mineral salt. I always try to choose the best ingredients.
Fourth, I include a fresh herb from my garden. I think fresh herbs are underused. I know that I never used them. I didn't grow up using them. So, I want to share my herbs with everyone.
Fifth, I include a fresh vegetable or fruit from my garden. It could be a bundle of radishes, a carton of tomatoes, a pint of blueberries, it just depends on the season and what my garden is producing.
So, message me if you want a basket!
The garden is starting to produce more and more. I love seeing the green come back to the garden. It makes me so happy. I remember having gardens as a kid but for years and years I haven't had one. It's become something that makes me happy. It makes me feel good to provide food for my family that is healthy and safe. That is very important to me.
I do have a tip for you gardeners if you haven't thought of it. If your garden is like mine and growing like crazy; then it's also growing weeds like crazy. My goal is to fill up a 5 gallon bucket every day or every other day with weeds. Then I take that bucket and feed it to my chickens. They love it! Unfortunately, my chickens can't free range because we have too many predators, so this makes me feel a little better about that. I also have 2 broody hens sitting on a bunch of eggs right now. I'm hoping they will hatch a couple little chicks since we didn't incubate any this Spring.
That's all for now!
~Be Blessed; Not Stressed