To say that my garden needs some love is probably an understatement. Since I've been traveling most weekends, I only have about 3-4 days/week to actually get work done around the house. It's been a lot to handle sometimes. My garden has definitely been a little neglected. Slowly the plan this week is to pull weeds from every garden bed, get the irrigation system correctly set up, and start planting! I can't wait to see all of the green plants growing again. It's really the best part.

I don't know if you can see it, but my potatoes are growing really well! (They are kind of behind the raised bed near the fencing.) I'm excited about that. We eat a lot of potatoes around here so being able to supply a year of potatoes would be the goal.

The hens are really putting in an effort on producing eggs. The sad part is that I can only eat so many eggs every week! I've been selling most of the extra dozens of eggs. We are still giving our "kittens" which are really cats now an egg every day. They seem to really love that.

We have 5 blueberry bushes that we planted a couple years ago. It looks like this year is finally the year I'll have an overabundance of blueberries! It took time and fertilizer, but they are looking so good. I also have raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, and newly added goji berries.

My honeybees are doing amazing!! I bought one nuc from a friend and then my cousin contacted me when he caught a swarm and most recently, we have caught a swarm in the swarm trap that Garrett and I set up in March. So fun! I've learned how to build the hives and frames. Then I paint the hives to make them prettier. The goal for the honeybees is to ultimately use only my honey for the products I make and then of course for ourselves. If we have left over honey, then we'd sell it or give it to friends and family.
That's a wrap up!
~Be Blessed; Not Stressed