This Week On The Farm . . . .

This Week On The Farm . . . .

It's been a while since I've done a post updating about what's going on around here. There's been a lot, but it's not been all farm related! I have started on a few projects in the garden and around the house so let's talk about them!

I've very excited to announce that I'm taking Beekeeping classes to become a Certified Beekeeper. I want to eventually have certified honey as well. That will be probably another year from now, but it will be fun. I want to sell honey so badly! I spent a little time and painted two of our beehives to make them a little prettier. I'm not an artist but I am happy with how they turned out. You can grab yourself a beehive and get started with bees too!

I've also slowly started working in the garden. I am going to try to grow potatoes a little differently this year. I decided to use some of the space between the garden beds and our goat fence for the potatoes. It puts them out of the way in a space not being used for anything. I have compost put down, then planted the potatoes, then I layered straw really thick on top. We will see. I have yet to have a fantastic potato harvest so hopefully this will work out. I did use grow bags last year. I liked them, I just needed more. 

Lastly, I'm developing a new herbal product that will be ready this week! It's going to help all the ladies and their hormones. I'm so excited to get it ready to sell. We need all the help we can get to support our hormones. I feel like all the products in the stores are just wrecking our bodies. We have to do something to combat it! This will be a simple roller bottle to use up to twice a day. I'm in the middle of also taking an Herbal Academy class to increase my knowledge on making tinctures, rollers, and other herbal remedies. 

Be blessed not stressed this week!


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