Misty Creek Acres North Carolina, North Carolina Homestead

About Us....

Welcome to our little side of the internet. We are Jeff, Julie, Garrett and Gavin. A blended family of 4 that moved from a small town to the outskirts of town 5 years ago to build more of a life well lived.

You'll learn everything that we're learning. A a new skill is accomplished we share about it....the good, bad and ugly. We share successes and failures. It's all about learning over here.

I hope to share with you all the things like baking bread, canning and preserving, gardening, raising farm animals, parenting (especially boys), and sprinkling in God because He is in everything we do.


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  • This Week On The Farm . . .

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    I finally have the time to make bread and the garden is producing for me to be able to fill that basket. I put several things in the basket that...

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    I finally have the time to make bread and the garden is producing for me to be able to fill that basket. I put several things in the basket that...

  • raised bed garden with goat in background

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    The goal for the honeybees is to ultimately use only my honey for the products I make and then of course for ourselves. If we have left over honey, then...

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    The goal for the honeybees is to ultimately use only my honey for the products I make and then of course for ourselves. If we have left over honey, then...

  • small green potato plant growing through straw

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    I love the warmer weather. I'm a warm weather kind of person. I do not like the cold. I have been a little slower with getting the garden and everything...

    This Week On The Farm . . .

    I love the warmer weather. I'm a warm weather kind of person. I do not like the cold. I have been a little slower with getting the garden and everything...

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