This Week On The Farm . . . .

This Week On The Farm . . . .

Garrett is officially a Western Carolina University college graduate. He's already doing interviews for full time positions. I, personally, wish he'd take like a month off work and just have fun. Then, he can buckle down and start life, but that's apparently not what he wants to do. We celebrated him all day on Saturday and this major accomplishment. If you haven't been to the little town of Dillsboro, NC you should definitely make a trip and check it out. It is so cute!

family picture with western carolina university college graduate

Strawberries are in full season right now! Have you gotten any from a local farm yet? They are so good. I have to tell you though that they are one of the most sprayed crops for pesticides and herbicides so please make sure you wash them before you eat them unless you know the farmer doesn't use those sprays. I also have an abundance of peppermint right now. Not only did I add it this week to the farm basket with a little recipe card for Sweet Mint Tea; I also chopped some up and put it on my strawberries. I really liked it! Peppermint is great for digestion so if you can get some fresh in your diet then it will be great for your stomach. 

bowl of strawberries with mint

Lastly, it looks like Bertha our Tamworth Sow will be having her babies in the next week. I hope to announce the piglets by next weeks blog post. I'm praying she does better this time as a piggy momma. Last time it was not successful with her. We have her separated from the others right now so I'm hoping that reduces her stress levels so she will be able to raise her babies. She's a good girl, a little aggressive with food but aren't we all. Ha Ha! After she has weaned her babies will we probably put her up for sale and say goodbye to her though. 

tamworth sow eating

I hope you have a great week and remember...

Be Blessed; Not Stressed

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