This Week On The Farm....

This Week On The Farm....

One of my absolute favorite parts of having a little farm is when we have baby animals. I just love seeing new life. It's so miraculous to me how these animals just KNOW how to be moms. I love it. We were on vacation last week and while we were gone one of our goats decided to have a baby! Zelda was our first baby goat born here and she's now had her 2nd baby. This time it's a BOY! He's adorable. Check out this weeks blog about taking care of baby goats to learn more about how to care for them. We will call him Bucky which is what we call all the boy goats that are born. 

three white goats in a pasture

We also have our third beehive finally set up. Now the job is to keep them alive, healthy and in their hives making honey. Bees have been the hardest "animal" to have on the farm. We try to follow the treatment free beekeeping method here. That means we don't give medicines and things like that. We will give them sugar water as needed and we don't use pesticides anywhere on the farm. We do around the house itself but not anywhere on the grasses, fields, gardens, etc. We are praying for success this year and to be able to offer honey to sell! Jeff has been stung several times but I think it's just building his immune system. :) 

beekeeper getting a swarm trap out of a tree

Lastly, I started offering farm baskets this week and they've been a hit. I'm so excited to be able to share my products with people in our area. I will keep the bread, broth and eggs the same every week and change up the fresh from the garden foods and canned foods. I'll be able to increase the eggs to a dozen once our youngest hens start laying. It's been a fun new product for me to offer and I've enjoyed it. This money will go towards our farm goal of $15,000 this year. All of the Misty Creek Acres products go towards that goal. Then we can hopefully get the tax benefits this coming year. I'm all for tax breaks. Just as an update we are about 1/3 of the way towards our farm financial goal. 

farm products eggs radishes chicken broth and bread

I hope you have a great week! Be Blessed; Not Stressed!

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