This Week On The Farm...

This Week On The Farm...

This week has been hectic to say the least. We're leaving for vacation and that always seems to put even more pressure on getting everything DONE. Getting all the animal feed, making sure they are all good, making sure the garden is good, and then also everything inside the house. It can be a lot. For the first time we're actually having somebody stay at our house while we're gone, and it actually makes me feel a lot better. BUT of course the night before we're leaving, Champ, Dorothy AND Cris P Bacon II all got out of their fences! Champ found a big mud pit closer to the creek and decided it was better than the water/mud inside his fence. Dorothy and Cris II were just roaming around in the woods. Like "give me a break you crazy pigs"!

hog in the woods walking back through electric fence

Before all that eventful-ness of Thursday night, I was able to accomplish a couple goals off my to-do list this past week. One of which was making chicken bone broth. Y'all, my house smelled so good making this. Jeff and Gavin both thought I had a yummy soup in the crock pot but NOPE it was just the broth. I can't wait to get it in the farm basket to everybody. It will be a staple item in the basket. So much can be done with it. Sometimes people just drink it to get good gut healing and protein benefits. 

mason jars of chicken bone broth

I have an update to the bee traps! We've caught two swarms! Two was my goal so this is so exciting. I feel like one beehive is good for us and then one I can use in my products and the last we can sell local honey. Bees are absolutely fascinating to me. Being able to sell their honey is an honor. I don't want to get ahead of myself though. We need them to love their hives and stay alive. I've started working on the little steep hill that we have behind the beehives. I want it to be a beautiful wildflower area. Plus, it's difficult to maintain so growing a bunch of flowers seems like a good solution. As you can see from the picture, it's a work in progress. 

flower garden in progress behind beehive

That's a wrap for this week! Be blessed; not stressed!


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