This Week On The Farm...

This Week On The Farm...

After a super rainy couple of days, the sun has come out and everything is growing around here. Spring has sprung and I'm here for it! We have so much going on it is hard to keep track of everything. I'm trying to get all of my products listed on the website along with more things happening that we haven't announced yet. Kinda crazy! One new thing we're going to try starting in May is a farm basket. I want to provide a weekly or bi-weekly schedule for people to be able to purchase items from the farm. I am still figuring out details, but it will include bread, eggs, chicken bone broth and other items depending on what is in season at that time. I'm very excited about it. 

farm basket graphic image

Every spring we set out new bee swarm traps to hopefully catch another hive. We set two out this year and there are already bees that have moved in to one of them. I truly think the trick is the lemongrass oil we put on a cotton ball and throw inside the trap! The next step will be moving the bees to the hive. I'd like to have 3 thriving hives. I think that would provide us all the honey we need plus extra to use in my products and sell! That would be so fun. 

bee swarm trap mounted to a tree

Also, the baby chicks that are about a month old now have moved into our little red coop where they will stay until they are big enough for the big chicken coop and run. We got that little red coop years ago and it's done so well for us. Grab one for yourself! We got ours in 2017 and it's still holding up. Click HERE!

Chicks inside a chicken coop

Lastly, I've successfully made and water bath canned sauerkraut. I know that it's not a taste for everybody, and honestly, I have gotten use to the taste. It is just SOOOOO good for you. Only 2 ounces a day gives you all the probiotics you need for that day. You know you can eat just 2 ounces, that's nothing! I believe this is one of the reasons my gut health improved so much last year. (maybe I'll add this to the farm basket???) 

fermenting sauerkraut in a large jar

Have a great week! Be blessed; not stressed!

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