This Week On The Farm . . .

This Week On The Farm . . .

What a whirlwind it's been lately. We officially have narrowed down our animals to just a couple goats, the chickens, wild cats, and our dogs. It's kind of a relief on some days but then other times I wish we still had the hogs mostly because of knowing where our food came from. But we will revisit that next year.

Depending on where you live it may be the beginning of deer season for you. Talk about eating naturally; venison is a great way to have meat that is "raised" as naturally as possible simply because the deer are wild. Gavin has been READY for this season to start. He worked hard with Jeff this summer getting a food plot, setting up a new hunting blind that he bought himself, and practicing his archery. Check out his hunting blind. You can't see inside but if you're inside you can see out. If you're interested in one click HERE for the one he ordered. I know this topic isn't for everyone and honestly it wasn't for me either - years ago, but if you get the chance to try venison you definitely should. 

camo hunting blind

In the last blog about the farm, I shared that I was going to learn how to do better with seed saving and that's what I've started doing. I have different piles labeled and drying now. It's been fun learning something new. Expect more than luffa seeds on the website when they are ready! I'm only harvesting seeds from plants that #1 I know for sure what exactly they are and #2 they grew really, really well. I don't want to sell something that might not grow very well. 

marigold seeds

Lastly, I'm working on making rose hydrosol!!! It is so amazing for your skin. It's been a work in process so it's definitely not ready. When I mess up, I have to wait for rose petals to bloom again to try it all over. It's coming along and I will be so excited to make that announcement. Of course, there will be limited quantities. I was introduced to a rose water years ago and loved it. The rose hydrosol is even better!

rose petals in a pot

I hope you have a great week!

Be blessed; not stressed


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