This Week On The Farm . . .

This Week On The Farm . . .

Garden season is in full swing, and I am SOOO busy. Between making sure weeds don't take over, watering the plants, getting the fruits and veggies when they are ripe and then preserving everything I can; I feel like I'm working full time again! Truthfully, I love it though. Gardening has become something that I truly enjoy. I love the feeling of providing this yummy food for my family. And, an added bonus is that I usually have enough to share in the farm baskets every week with people in the community. That is amazing! It makes my heart so happy knowing that I can do that. I can't wait until I start planning my garden for next year. I think I need to expand! Peaches are ripe and ready to preserve this week. I made some really good chili peach salsa. We had it with tortillas and it was good. Some people can't have tomatoes so this would be a really good alternative to regular salsa. But I'm also thinking it would be great in the crock pot over chicken. YUM!

peaches jalapenos cilantro onions 

I also have finally successfully harvested onions. When our smaller hog decided to get out of his fence and root around in my garden, I had to pull up a lot of my onions. He really messed up a lot of the garden and it was pretty upsetting. They aren't all as big as I'd like but they will work! Onions are an item that we use a lot of so having a lot of them is necessary. One day I'll have enough food to last a year. That's the plan! Onions actually store really well too. 

onions drying on a rack in a greenhouse

Lastly, not exactly farm related but we are making progress on the items needed for Jeff and Gavin's Appalachian Trail trip next year. Jeff has decided on using Alpaca instead of wool for the cold months. Since they are starting mid-February; it's going to be cold! Luckily, there's a local Alpaca farm. We went there and grabbed two pair of thick socks and a beanie hat for both Jeff and Gavin. The farm is called Good Karma Ranch in Iron Station, NC. We've also purchased trekking poles recently. Remember all purchases made on my website that are part of the AT Collection go towards the expense of this trip! All of your purchases are so incredibly appreciated. 

alpaca hats

Have a great week! Be Blessed; Not Stressed


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