ladybug on a leaf

This Week On The Farm . . .

Rain, rain go away. Come again when it's convenient please. I wish rain worked like that. We've had rain for about 4-5 days straight and I'm ready to see the sun. I know I needed rain for my big garden, but this might be a little much. We just got the garden back in shape and now I'll probably spend the weekend pulling weeds again. Ah, this is the life. We did add a lot of mulch around the garden beds and in the ground garden so that does help some with weeds. The potatoes are almost ready to harvest which will be so fun because that's a first for us!

mulched garden with potato grow bags

We also did something new for the garden last week to hopefully help get rid of some unwanted pests in the garden. We released ladybugs! I ordered them from Amazon, of course. Check them out HERE! It worked perfectly and even the next couple days I'd see a lot of ladybugs in the garden. An added bonus is that kids love ladybugs to play with, so it keeps them entertained too while you're trying to get work done in the garden.

ladybug on leaf in garden

Apparently, I have a very popular product in my farm baskets that I had no idea would be so liked. Sauerkraut! So, now I'm making more and more of it. I have a list of people that want it as soon as it's ready. This makes me so happy because sauerkraut is so good for you. I want everybody to be as healthy as possible and just 2 ounces of sauerkraut a day gives you lots of good gut healthy bacteria to make you feel better! I honestly didn't think so many people would like it but I'm happy that they do! Do you like sauerkraut? 

Large glass jar with sauerkraut and small jar with sourdough

I hope you have a great week too. Be blessed; not stressed

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