I've had many people comment that they can't believe I'm "letting" them go on the Appalachian Trail. Don't get me wrong there is a certain level of permission that has to take place for something like this to happen. Jeff and I never had a conversation where he asked my permission to go.
The conversation was about how he thought it would be so amazing one day to be in the place in life where he'd be able to hike the Appalachian Trial. This conversation was a long time ago. At that time, we couldn't really even see the time that he would be able to do this.
So, then as time went on and the possibility started becoming more of a reality, I was the one telling him to do it. He's worked so long for all of us why would I stand in his way? There's something about me that you may not know. I'm not going to ever stop somebody from pursuing something they really want to do even if it impacts me in some way.
I will encourage you to follow your dreams. I will help you figure out how to do it. I will go all in to support you. That's what I'll do. Even when Jeff kept stressing about finances, I just kept telling him that it would be fine. We would figure it out. There would be a way. I won't be negative. I might be a little annoyingly positive about it. I just simply believe that if you're doing something that God wants you to do then it will literally all work out. We tend to make things too complicated. It's not.
And for Gavin, well.....We just asked if he wanted to go too and he said yes. He said that he felt it might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. He also said that it was even better because he didn't have to pay for it. Very true... I didn't have to really encourage Gavin a lot except telling him that we'd all be here when he got back. He was a little nervous being away from home for so long. He thought he would miss us maybe too much. This is one of the reasons I plan on visiting as often as I possibly can. I'm aware I'm not the only person he will miss but I have the most flexible schedule to be able to visit.
Don't think though that when we were leading up to them leaving it was easy for me. Trust me it wasn't. I tried my absolute best to hold myself and my emotions in check. Me crying is the best way to make them second guess things and feel bad that they are going on this adventure. I do not want to be responsible for holding anybody back from their dreams/goals. I did the best I could. Tears were shed. But I think overall I did pretty well.
Wanna know what I do love about this? Facetime! Voice Memos! Videos! Pictures! All of the things. If I didn't hear from them at all; I would literally cry myself to sleep every night.
I'll be fine. And so will they. We will all come through this a little different for the better.