Days 19-21 Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Days 19-21 Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Took A Break

It seems like a lot happened the last couple days so let me update y'all on everything. This might be a bit longer than normal so prepare yourselves. 

First of all, they obviously made it through the horrible frigid night on Wednesday night. They will talk about that night for the rest of their lives. They had every piece of clothing that they had on their bodies. Their water bottles were in the sleeping bags with them, and they did not freeze but during the time they were finished packing up camp - the water froze. Then the water filter was frozen, so they ended up drinking unfiltered water. Gavin literally got if off the side of a mountain from the melted ice. That's what he's doing in the picture below. 

They have so many stories to tell. We will be sitting around talking about one thing and then it triggers a memory for them, and they start telling me something new that they hadn't told me before. 

They hiked up to Clingmans Dome. They did get some video at the top which is in the video linked but it was so cold they really weren't really able to enjoy it. If you're not familiar with that amazing location check it out. 5 Interesting Facts About Clingmans Dome ( It's actually the highest point on the entire Appalachian Trail!

I pulled up to Newfound Gap to pick them up on Thursday afternoon. A lady was taking their picture because they are the first thru hikers she'd ever met. They were also giving them food. I got to meet a guy that they met on the trail. We gave him a ride to Gatlinburg. Gavin was crammed in the third row, but I really don't think he cared. He had the snack box beside him. 

Friday was not a relaxing day at all. We ended up going to three different urgent care facilities because of insurance purposes and also the second one literally said their doctor couldn't look at injuries. (eyeroll). And during the crazy urgent care disaster, Gavin's other family happened to be like 20 minutes away from where we were, so they got to see Gavin for a lunch break. It was an unexpected visit that I think Gavin really enjoyed. Anyway, the doctors told both of them that they have tendonitis. They were prescribed steroids and told to get arch support insoles. So that was the next mission. 

We went to REI in Pigeon Forge and not only got insoles but also exchanged their hiking boots for new pairs. REI is awesome. We then had to go to a grocery store to get resupply items for Jeff and Gavin. They eat the Peak meals for supper, Kodiak oatmeal for breakfast and then tuna/chicken with rice for lunch most days.

Gavin's Quotes...."We have like 1,980 something miles to do. We're like 10% done. Which I guess is cool."

I dropped them back off at Newfound Gap this morning around 9:30am. Braelyn was happy to get to see them the last couple days and told me after we left that he thought Jeff and Gavin had fun with us at the hotel. Saying goodbye isn't easy. I keep thinking it will get easier, but it still hasn't. Apparently, Hot Springs is the next location that a lot of thru hikers decide to end their hike. They will be at Davenport Gap on Monday and plan on finding a shuttle to Hot Springs to resupply and stay the night at a hostel. 

They made it to Pecks Corner Shelter, I believe. They don't have signal tonight to send me the final video for today but as usual I'll keep you updated. 



Days 19-21 Youtube Video

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