Days 14 & 15 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Days 14 & 15 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

What a difference 24 hours makes......

They were very ready to be picked up at Stecoah Gap on Saturday morning around 10am. Anthony, Heather, and Papaw Rick were able to pick them up and then meet me and Garrett in Bryson City for a late breakfast. Everett's Diner in Bryson City has amazing food and Gavin decided to go for the Mountain Man breakfast. He wasn't able to finish it but that's probably because he also ate a Peak biscuits and gravy meal and a Nutri Grain bar before being picked up. 

We went to a couple stores in town and grabbed Jeff an ankle brace. He was able to rest it and use an ointment to help with the swelling and pain. Let's all pray it starts feeling better! Gavin seems to have no physical ailments as of yet. 

We checked into The Lodge at Nantahala River which is a really cute place. You should definitely check it out if you need to stay a night in that area. Host profile - Airbnb Then we went to the laundromat for their gross clothes. Thankfully that didn't take long at all. It seems that when they are taking a zero, they literally want to do nothing. So, that's what we did the rest of the evening. 

Sunday morning came too soon, and we were heading back up the mountain to drop them off after a little coffee and bagel breakfast. It is now the 3rd time I've had to say goodbye and it's still not getting any easier. The almost 3-hour drive home doesn't help when all you have is time to think about the fact that you just left them. 

Their goal was to make it to "the Hilton" which is actually the Fontana Dam Shelter. It's by far the best shelter they've seen yet. I'm a little torn though.....should the shelters be super nice or just be a simple shelter? You'll have to check out the video because Jeff does a tour of the facilities then you decide for yourself.

Left picture on top of the mountain at Stecoah Gap Saturday morning. Right picture is their view of Fontana Lake Sunday evening.

I love seeing all the signs on the trail. I'm glad Billy Goat Gruff got a memorial bridge. Poor goat. Also, the solar power station at the shelter is really impressive. 

Do you wonder what 6 days' worth of backpacking food looks like? Check out this picture. They usually save the backpacking meals like Peak or Mountain House for supper. Breakfast is typically Kodiak Oatmeal. Lunch is a packet of meat (chicken or tuna) with rice or noodles of some kind. Then they add in snacks. Gavin likes the Meal 2 Go bars as a snack. They both like Poptarts, granola bars, trail mix, and jerky. I think I'd get sick of the oatmeal first. But so far, they are ok with it. The YouTube video is linked at the bottom; don't forget to watch it!

As usual, I'll keep you posted.


Gavin's Quotes...."That was the hardest mile so far. I could have been on my hands and knees crawling up that thing."

Days 14 & 15 Youtube Video

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