Day 13 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Day 13 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Hiking In The Rain

Hiking up a mountain is never easy but adding in rain and cold makes it miserable. But they made it to the top. Once they made it to Sassafras Gap Shelter for lunch the rain had mostly moved on by. They were able to dry out a little bit in the shelter and change their clothes so they wouldn't be so cold. 

The view at the top of the mountain was so beautiful though. I feel like we will be saying this a lot but there's just something extra special about those NC mountains. 

They have also discovered that the Peak meals are better tasting and more filling than the Mountain House brand that we were buying. These meals give them a lot of calories and protein. They range within a dollar or two of $13 each meal. (adds up fast!) Also, Gavin accidentally ate an energy bar this morning. He thought it was a normal granola-type bar at the general store, but it had caffeine. Gavin doesn't ever have caffeine. He had an extra pep in his step this morning. I'm sure he was talking like crazy.

Gavin's Quotes...."We don't know how hard this mountain's gonna be."

Gavin's body seems to be holding up pretty well so far. He is 17 years old after all. But Jeff is dealing with some aches and pains. Particularly his knees and ankle. He did get some knee braces at the outdoor store yesterday but not an ankle support. If anybody has suggestions on what he can do besides elevating it and ibuprofen, please let us know.

We are going to see them tomorrow and stay the night in a little lodge nearby. Hopefully they can get some rest and some more yummy food.

As usual, I'll keep you posted however there won't be an email for Sunday morning. 

Check out their video below that's posted to YouTube. 


Day 13 Youtube Video

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