Day 12 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Day 12 - Thru Hiking The Appalachian Trail

The N.O.C.

They made it to the Nantahala Outdoor Center after talking about it for days. They are staying in a bunkroom tonight. You'll see a little tour of the room in the video at the end. It's nothing fancy but it gave them a warm bed, shower, and a little comfort for the night. If you've never been to Bryson City, NC and traveled down Hwy 19 to get to the NOC you're missing out. There's so much you can do there except I'd recommend going in the summer. There's a bridge that crosses the Nantahala River where you can watch kayakers do amazing tricks in the water. It's a good experience. You can even ride the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad for a day excursion to get to the NOC. We did that with the boys when they were young. 

Jeff took a great picture of Gavin on a ridgeline, but we don't know the name of it. I think it should be his next profile picture. Also, Jeff's not angry in the picture he just doesn't have his glasses on. 

Gavin's words of wisdom...."The problem with the trail is that you can't really carry as many calories as you're burning."

There are different signs along the trail showing you that you're still going in the right direction. I love the carved AT in the log. 

They got to hang out with some of their friends that they've made so far. They also got a little more trail magic. A lady was giving out free snacks. She's going to make her own hostel soon and have it ready for thru hikers to stay. Then when they ate lunch today and were about to pay for it; a man came up to them and said he was paying for their meal. SO NICE! There are kind people out there. You just have to be on the lookout for them. 

As usual, I'll keep you posted however I may start doing emails every other day. 

Check out their video below that's posted to YouTube. 


Day 12 Youtube Video

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