Atypically Hiking The Appalachian Trail

Atypically Hiking The Appalachian Trail

I don't know about you, but my family isn't very "typical" when it comes to most things. We all have things about us that make us unique. Why would hiking the Appalachian Trail be any different? 

I've read a lot of books chronically a person's journey along the A.T. I've watched a lot of people on Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram that share their adventures. I have not seen very many people that are a Stepdad/Stepson duo. I've actually not seen any. Even besides that, I haven't seen many teenagers although there are some. A 48-year-old man is not that unique at all. Actually, that seems to about be an average age. 

I also don't see a lot of wives/moms visiting every weekend to see their family members that are attempting the hike. Thru hikers do have a family that see them during their trip and even friends that might hike with them for a day or two. 

Here's the deal. I'm blessed to have the capability to go visit them especially right now when they are so close. My work is at home and at my convenience. I make and sell products from home through social media. If you have ever thought that making money online isn't a real job; I'd have to disagree. I don't make enough money to retire Jeff or anything but thankfully the money I do make is enough for me to come on these trips. 

We've never counted on the online money I make because it fluctuates so much. It's hard to depend on. So, we've always considered it as extra. It's helping to pay for many things around our little homestead/farm. It's helped to pay for vacations and fun weekend getaways. 

Out of the blue last fall my Tiktok Shop took off. I had huge (for me) months of sales. September-December were by far the best months I've ever had in online sales. It's definitely not like that now but those three months of massive sales for me are what gave us the money for me to visit Jeff and Gavin these last 5 weeks. 

We didn't have this in our budget of how much we needed to have saved before Jeff could take off work for 5 months. We assumed I'd get to see them maybe once a month. This has been both hectic for me but also such a blessing to get to see them and be there to help take care of them at least sometimes on the weekends. 

I have also talked to Jeff and told him that if he feels like me coming is more of a hindrance on their mental ability to do the trail to just tell me and I'll stay home. As of yet, they are both still wanting me to come. I was especially worried about Gavin having to tell me goodbye so many times and how that would impact him both mentally and emotionally. Jeff says it is hard, but that Gavin still wants me to come when I can. 

So, I'm coming. So far, the longest drive one way has been 2 hours and 45 minutes. I don't think that's too bad. Before we know it, the drive will be a lot longer and it just won't be logical for me to come every weekend. Until then, I'm going. It's not typical and I'm ok with that. 

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What a great family. It’s so good to see you support and encourage them both on this hike of a lifetime. It’s something you all will never forget. Wishing them well until the end thank you guys for sharing 😊 may God bless 💚

Deborah Lail

Can’t wait to see the Mcafee Knob pics too! Never been to Grayson Highlands but really want to.

Heather Huffman

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